I went in for my u/s on Friday and found out I have a cyst on my right ovary - really not a big deal except that a cyst can increase your estrogen level. High estrogen level = no
clomid. I got the call on Saturday morning that I was not to take any
clomid and this cycle there will be no
iui. So we will wait. However, at the
appt I talked with Suzie and Dr. S wants us to get a SA done with the
embryologist. This is a more in depth look at the swimmers and is needed for
IVF (gulp -again). He also wants me to do a
Clomid challenge test which is needed for before moving on to
IVF - but that will have to take place next cycle. On a brighter note - Conceptions had a mind/body/spirit open house on Saturday that I went to with my mom. It was great to show her where we go and where all the "magic" happens ! :) They had a bunch of information on acupuncture, yoga, massage, etc. and the benefits of those practices with infertility. It was great and they had good food!
Jason and I had a great weekend getting that house ready for fall. Jason used a work truck to blow out the sprinklers and ended up doing the same for 4 other neighbors as well as for my sis - what a nice guy! We managed to rake up the leaves from our gorgeous trees and at the end of it all decided we needed a leaf blower and went to Home Depot to purchase one. Too bad we didn't make the
purchase before the raking!?!